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Income tax is paid on any money you earn over your personal tax allowance. The personal tax allowance is currently set at £10 000. Above this amount, tax is paid at different rates, depending on how

Unit 4.4 Percentages
The problem

Income tax is paid on any money you earn over your personal tax allowance. The personal tax allowance is currently set at £10000. Above this amount, tax is paid at different rates, depending on how much you earn. 

The table shows the rates for 2014/15.

Tax rate Taxable income above your personal allowance
Basic rate 20% £0 to £31 865
Higher rate 40% £ 31 866  to £150 000

Work out the income tax each of this person paid in the 2014/15 tax year.

a. Ella earns £26 500 per annum.  

b. Sammy earns £28 760 p. a

c. Anthony earns £47 000 p. a 

d. Pippa earns £73 850 p. a





The solution

a. Ella earns £26, 500 

Personal tax allowance means you will not be charged tax till that amount

£26,500- £10,000 = £16,500 ( Ella needs to pay for this amount and she falls in 20% bracket)

=> 20% of 16,500= £3,300

b. Sammy earns £ 28,760

£28, 760 - £10,000 = £18, 760 ( 20% tax)

20% of £18, 760 = £3,752.

c. Anthony earns £ 47 000 p. a ( 20% tax till £31, 865, 40% tax after £31, 865 )

£47, 000 - £10, 000 = £37, 000 is the taxable amount

Till £31, 865 tax is 20%

=> 20% of £31, 865 = £6373

£37,000 - £31, 865 = £5135 ( 40% tax for this amount) 

40% of £5135 = £2054

=> £6373 + £2054 = £8427

d. Pippa earns £73, 850

£73, 850 - £10,000 = £63, 850

Till £31, 865 ( 20% tax) => 20% of £31,865  = £6373

£63, 850 - £31, 865 = £31, 985 ( 40% tax) 

=> 40% of £31, 985 = £12, 974 

Total tax = £6373 + £12974 = £19, 167.





GSOLBOT Published on 08 Jan 2021
Guest User